OK......I have a blog. I don't really know why I have a blog or actually what to do with it now that I have it. I have read other blogs and thought to myself, "it would really be nice to be able to express myself like that.....or wouldn't it be nice to have a place to go to just talk....talk to nothingness really and just vent to the unknown" The unknown has always stopped me....!!! Once you put something in writing....out there for the world to see, it can't be taken back.....it can't be erased...! Especially now living in the world of instant gratification....."cut and paste".......the world of "the Internet"....!!! But, what the heck......it might be nice to just have a place to go to....a place that is mine.....a place to vent....a place to cry.....a place to ramble.....just a place....a place that is mine..!!!!
Now, the question is....in my limited knowledge of the computer.....will I be able to figure all of this out, or will my limited knowledge get the best of me and out of embarrassment, I will forgo the blog b/c I just couldn't figure it out...!!!! I guess time will tell on this one..!
But, if I continue with this, I am sure the ramblings I come up with will be a release for me.....a place to go just to "get it off my chest". Is this a good thing..?! Part of me thinks, no, probably not...!! And then part of me thinks.....well, it is cheaper than therapy...LOL! However, once again with a therapist, it is all confidential.......in this blog, I am putting it out there for the world to see....and that is pretty scary!
So, it is Sunday morning and it is a beautiful fall morning..!!! I am enjoying my first cup of coffee and contemplating the day ahead..!!! Things to do, places to be and the regular Sunday morning ritual......
I guess it begins then......I have a blog.........